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Some online lottery ticket providers offer their customers the service of uploading a scan of your tickets into your account. This is meant to be proof of the fact that they actually bought a physical ticket for you.

Others pursue a different business model – they do not buy tickets at all. Instead, they work with insurance companies in order to cover eventual wins. In such a case, they do not give you a scan of your online lottery ticket. Most of the time, they will be honest about their business model by declaring that when you buy a ticket on their site, you are actually placing a bet on the outcome of the lottery. For you as a customer, this does not really make a big difference. What matters is that you get paid if you win and that you get paid the same amount that the lottery pays out, depending on your win.

Some online lottery providers, though, work with a network of agents who buy physical lottery tickets for their clients. So does RedFoxLotto. We do not use insurance companies, you are not betting on the lottery – you get an actual ticket.

What does RedFoxLotto do with the purchased tickets?

Our agents confirm the purchase to us and then put the purchased tickets in a safe place. There is no need to scan them. When a ticket wins, we pay out the winnings to our customers directly, unless he wins more than €2500. If the winnings are higher than €2500, we forward a claim form filled out by you to the lottery company, and they will then pay you directly.

Scanned lottery ticket

What happens if a lottery ticket wins?

For winnings under €2500, our agents cash in the ticket. Actually, you will get the winnings in your RedFoxLotto account before we get the money back when we present your winning ticket at the lottery shop where we bought it.

Why does RedFoxLotto scan the tickets purchased online?

The answer to this question is simple: transparency. Scanning all those tickets is a very time-consuming work. But we want our customers to see that they are getting an actual ticket, and not placing a bet on the lottery.

Our clients can always see the tickets and the numbers they picked in their accounts. And we always pay out the winnings. If we did not pay out winnings, even to just one customer, in the age of the internet our clients would certainly find out about it. The trust of our customers is our most important capital.

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Although, with some lotteries, getting a scan of the ticket is not possible. The reason is that in some countries, the agents buying the tickets simply do not offer this service.