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Many lotto fans consider watching the lotto numbers being drawn live as an essential part of the attraction. This is certainly also the case for Euromillions and Eurojackpot. If you live in one of the countries that officially participate in those lotteries, then your local or national TV certainly broadcasts either the Eurojackpot or the Euromillions draw, possibly both.

Eurojackpot draw

But if you had to buy your Euromillions or Eurojackpot ticket online, that means you do not reside in one of those countries. In consequence, you may not have access to any of those TV stations that have live coverage of the drawing events. So, what other options are there?

Where to watch the drawing on TV?

The solution is quite simple: watch the video of the drawing on! Use their search function and type in, for example, ” Euromillions drawing live” and you will find a number of live streams to watch. And in case you have missed the exact time and the drawing is already over, use the same search function and type, for example, Eurojackpot drawing” and the date of the drawing. You will find lots of videos for those drawings.

When is the Eurojackpot and Euromillions draw?

If you want to watch the numbers for Eurojackpot and/or Euromillions being drawn live and in real-time, it is important to know the drawing times. You can find that information below, but watch out for the time zone! Depending on your location, you may have to add or subtract a few hours to the times:

Euromillions drawings are Tuesday and Friday at 21.15 h Central European Time.

euromillions jackpot

Eurojackpot has only one weekly drawing, which is held at 21.00 h Central European time.

next draw eurojackpot