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Privacy Policy

The Refoxlotto Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as Privacy Policy) applies to the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) operated by LLL World Marketing Limited, Peiraios 30, 1st floor, office 1, 2023 Strovolos, Nicosia – Cyprus. By using our Website you accept the following Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Use.

The information we collect

Openly collected from you

When creating a user account, you provide your e-mail address to be used to uniquely identify your account and to perform its optional activation. The e-mail address is also used to enable the password reminder to perform its function.

We might also use your e-mail address and phone number to send notifications on the functioning of the Website (including the notifications required by law), news about the Website, information on products and services included on the Website, as well as for other marketing purposes including third-party products or services that you might be interested in (hereinafter referred to as Notifications). You may quit receiving marketing-related notifications at any moment by using the cancel link included in every e-mail message we send or by contacting us through the available means of contact: e-mail, telephone, or contact form.

After creating an account you can complete your profile with the following data: first name, last name, address of residence, date of birth, phone number, and timezone. This information is used to improve the process of payments, deposits, and withdrawals, for Website customizations (including Notifications), as well as to handle the winnings above 2500 USD in accordance with paragraph 3.5 of the Terms of Use.

We might also keep a registry of data willingly provided to us to contact us through the contact form, a telephone conversation, a postal message, Facebook, Twitter, or other means of contact, including name, e-mail address, phone number, and postal address. Providing your name and e-mail address is necessary to send a message through the contact form.

Contact with us through social media like Facebook or Twitter should not be deemed official. We reserve the right to not respond to messages sent through this means of contact while also informing you that we will make our best effort to respond to them. To obtain detailed information on the data collected by the social media mentioned above, one has to make themselves familiar with the following documents:

  • Facebook: privacy policy and terms and policies;
  • Twitter: privacy policy and terms of service.

We also process payment card data (number, expiration date, first and last name of the holder, CVV code) to carry out the payment card payment process – learn more.

Not collected openly

When you use the Website, we automatically collect specific information and use it to handle the Website’s main features, customize the Website (including Notifications), monitor the incoming traffic and maintain security. It includes, among others:

  • IP address;
  • headers sent by the browser, especially “User-Agent”, “Accept-Language” and “Referer” which contain such information as type, version, and language of the browser, type, and version of the operating system, and the web address that the Website was found through;
  • system time;
  • HTTP requests;
  • cookies files saved in the domain or subdomains.

We might also use the IP address to collect and process information on your actual location to improve the data updating process as well as customize the Website (including Notifications).

Some of the data made automatically available by web browsers is stored in server logs, including full HTTP requests, time of their arrival, IP address, and URL addresses related to a request.

The Website’s functioning uses your browser’s cache. It makes it possible to optimize the time of loading the Website as well as make using the Website easier by storing data between sessions even after restarting the browser.

The information not collected openly includes, among others, the following data used to handle and improve the payment process:

  • e-mail address, personal data (first name, last name, address, contact info), and transaction ID to carry out payments; with your explicit consent we also store non-sensitive data of the payment cards you use to make further payments faster;
  • e-mail address, date, status, amount, and transaction ID used or generated to carry out payments;
  • e-mail address, user account ID, status, amount, and transaction ID used or generated to carry out Skrill payments;
  • e-mail address, user account ID, personal data (first name, last name, address, date of birth, sex, contact info, account balance, account language, and currency), and billing data used or generated to carry out Neteller payments;
  • destination bitcoin address and transaction ID used or generated to carry out payments;
  • e-mail address, phone, country, and transaction ID used or generated to carry out Sofort payments.

To obtain more information on the data collected during payments we invite you to make yourself familiar with the privacy policies of different payment gateways (learn more).

The information not collected openly is also used by third-party services (learn more).

Third-party services

Statistics, advertisement, and security

To handle the Website’s security as well as collect and analyze information on its functioning, we use the following third-party services:

  • Google Analytics – to monitor traffic and keep detailed statistics that allow us to identify the sources of visits and analyze the Website’s functioning;
  • Google reCAPTCHA – to improve the Website’s security by protecting against automated scripts;
  • Facebook Pixel – to monitor traffic and keep detailed statistics that allow us to create better advertisement campaigns.

The above services collect and use information to work properly. To obtain information on the data collected by Google services we invite you to make yourself familiar with Google’s terms of service and Google’s privacy policy. To obtain information on the data collected by Facebook services we invite you to make yourself familiar with Facebook Policies.


We do not store detailed data on payment cards in our databases. To store payment card data, we use third-party payment gateways that comply with the requirements of the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) security standards. Our databases only store the references to payment cards stored in third-party payment gateways. The references we store only contain the non-sensitive data of payment cards: expiration date, first and last name of the holder, and the last four digits of the card number. Payment card data is only used and stored with your explicit consent. You might delete the references to the stored payment cards at any moment. Payment card data gets also deleted from a particular third-party payment gateway, provided that it makes such a feature available. One has to remember that it might not be possible to delete the data completely due to the way a particular payment gateway works. Detailed information on the type of data stored by the payment gateways we use can be found in the privacy policies and terms of use of different payment gateways – learn more. Deleting stored payment card data will not cancel the initiated transactions.

To carry out the above we process payment card data provided through the forms available on the Website. Such operation is in full compliance with the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements. All the payment data you provide is sent through an encrypted SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection.

We inform you that to protect your data we take all necessary actions to make sure your data does not get accidentally lost, misused, made public, or in any way modified or destroyed. We also protect it from unauthorized access.

To obtain detailed information on the data collected by different payment gateways one has to make themselves familiar with the pertaining documents provided on the websites of said payment gateways.

Shared data

We do not make your data available to companies, organizations, or other third parties with the following exceptions:

  • if we have received your explicit consent to make it available;
  • we might send your data to trusted entities that process it for our needs and for purposes defined solely by us while maintaining the highest confidentiality and information security, especially the companies that are part of our group or our business partners;
  • when we deem it justified to comply with the law we are subject to;
  • analyzing Website security breaches, detecting and preventing fraud, and improving security and other technical matters;
  • we might also share data that can’t be used to unequivocally identify an individual for purposes like displaying the latest winnings or publishing general statistics on the Website’s usage.

Data safety

We make our best efforts to make sure that your data is stored safely. Under our security policy, we do not store passwords in plain text. We use the latest standards and recommendations to make sure that the data and accounts of our users are completely safe, including, among others:

  • regular updating of the server;
  • immediate implementation of security updates;
  • fulfilling all the requirements of security standards defined by PCI-DSS for the entity that processes the payment card data;
  • enforcing and using secure connections wherever possible;
  • the control of the levels of access to data that is only available to individuals, companies, or organizations that need to access it; such entities are also obliged to maintain strict confidentiality or face severe consequences;
  • protection against unauthorized access, automated attack blocks, and overall monitoring of Website activity.

Deleting data

Deleting your profile data is not synonymous with deleting it completely from our system. The said data might still be stored in the systems and files of backup copies for up to a year of time. Backup copies, due to their significance and sensitivity are also stored on other servers owned by us and maintained by us and by third-party companies that operate our servers under separate agreements. Your data contained in backup copies might only be used to restore it in special cases that require the use of backup copies.

Changes to your profile data made between the date of creating a backup copy and the date of restoring it will be lost, of which you will be explicitly notified.

You can delete your user account by contacting us in written form. The deleted account’s data will be kept to prevent losing the association between the account and the transactions executed by it, especially for fiscal purposes, i.e. handling the winnings above 2500 USD, preventing fraud and abuse, and settling transactions and deposits made.

By contacting us you can also delete or modify selected data contained in your profile. We reserve the right to reject such a request if we deem it justified to comply with the law we are subject to.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy to the extent of making sure that your data is properly secured and the policy complies with the law. We will inform you on the changes and their scope through the Website.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, contact us at:

LLL World Marketing Limited Peiraios 30, 1st floor, office 1, 2023 Strovolos, Nicosia – Cyprus E-mail: [email protected]