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Who are the top Australian lottery winners? Are these real people, and what happened to them after winning the lottery? These are some of the questions we will be answering in this post. We like to highlight lottery winners from different countries just so you know that they are everyday people like you.

Right now, we are turning the spotlight on Australian lottery winners. There are some really good stories and we can’t wait to share them with you. We are not necessarily focusing on those who won the highest lottery amounts. Sometimes, the money is high but it is split between several winners.

So, we will focus on individual winners who have interesting stories. We are not here to bore you but to keep you excited about playing the lottery. Remember, you can play international lotteries online from any country. So sign up with us at to enter the next draw. Now on to our winners.

The Australian Mum who won the $107 million Powerball Jackpot

Perhaps our favourite Australian lottery winner is the Sydney mum who won the $107 million Powerball jackpot in 2019. And it is not because she is the biggest individual lottery winner in Australia, although we can’t ignore that fact.

But, what makes this mum our all-time favourite is how grounded and down to earth she was about her win. Let’s face it, winning a hundred million dollars plus, is enough to change anybody. However, the winner, who is also a nurse, showed up to work the day after her win. And, both she and her husband have been working since then.

Interestingly, she did not go out to buy a Yacht, nor did she live an idle life. Instead, she bought a family home and for the most part, still lives her life as before. Except for the ironing, she gave up that chore but still handles everything else. The couple keeps on searching for ways to give back and are determined not to take their win for granted.

The cleaner who won $80 million

Australian lottery winners

Next on our list and also another favourite is the Aussie dad who won the $80 million Powerball jackpot in 2021. This winner lost his job because of the Coronavirus lockdown, but he did not give up. He took up a cleaning job so that he could look after his family. 

The jackpot win took him by surprise and according to reports, he was so excited he could not sleep that night. Typically, anyone would be excited to win that amount, we would. He said he planned to pay off his mortgage and help his children.

This is a story of a man who did not give up even though life was doing its best to beat him down. He beat the odds to win the jackpot prize, which will change his life forever. The odds of winning the jackpot might not seem favourable, but it is clear that the fates can smile at you.

Top Australian Lottery Winners: the $50 million Powerball winner

This Aussie man won the Powerball $50 million jackpot in 2021 and did not even know till two days later. Although he bought a ticket for the lottery draw, he said that he had not expected to win. So, he did not bother checking his ticket. Thankfully, he eventually checked and realised that he had the winning ticket.

Naturally, he was in shock about his win. It isn’t every day that a person wins that sort of amount. But, he said he would definitely take care of his parent with his win. We find that incredible particularly as he also planned to keep working.

Seems our Australian lottery winners prefer to keep working, which is admirable. Some lottery winners quit their jobs immediately and years later were broke. So, we think the decision to retain his job is a smart one, especially if he likes his job.

Become one of the top Australian lottery winners

Do these stories inspire you? We are inspired. So inspired that we believe that anyone can win the lottery. It is a matter of time and chance. So, if you would like to enter the next draw sign up with and enter top international lotteries. Who knows, you could become one of the top Australian lottery winners.